Waiting on Wednesday ist eine Aktion von Breaking the Spine,
bei der jeden Mittwoch Bücher vorgestellt werden sollen, auf die man
sehnsüchtig wartet und am liebsten sofort lesen würde.

What I learned after last year’s distractions cost my hockey team our entire season? No more screwing up. No more screwing, period. As the new team captain, I need a new philosophy: hockey and school now, women later. Which means that I, Hunter Davenport, am officially going celibate…no matter how hard that makes things.
But there’s nothing in the rulebook that says I can’t be friends with a woman. And I won’t lie—my new classmate Demi Davis is one cool chick. Her smart mouth is hot as hell, and so is the rest of her, but the fact that she’s got a boyfriend eliminates the temptation to touch her.
Except three months into our friendship, Demi is single and looking for a rebound.
And she’s making a play for me.
Avoiding her is impossible. We’re paired up on a yearlong school project, but I’m confident I can resist her. We’d never work, anyway. Our backgrounds are too different, our goals aren’t aligned, and her parents hate my guts.
Hooking up is a very bad idea. Now I just have to convince my body—and my heart.
Text und Bildquelle: Goodreads

What I learned after last year’s distractions cost my hockey team our entire season? No more screwing up. No more screwing, period. As the new team captain, I need a new philosophy: hockey and school now, women later. Which means that I, Hunter Davenport, am officially going celibate…no matter how hard that makes things.
But there’s nothing in the rulebook that says I can’t be friends with a woman. And I won’t lie—my new classmate Demi Davis is one cool chick. Her smart mouth is hot as hell, and so is the rest of her, but the fact that she’s got a boyfriend eliminates the temptation to touch her.
Except three months into our friendship, Demi is single and looking for a rebound.
And she’s making a play for me.
Avoiding her is impossible. We’re paired up on a yearlong school project, but I’m confident I can resist her. We’d never work, anyway. Our backgrounds are too different, our goals aren’t aligned, and her parents hate my guts.
Hooking up is a very bad idea. Now I just have to convince my body—and my heart.
Text und Bildquelle: Goodreads
Elle Kennedys Off-Campus und Briar U Reihen gefallen mir ja so unglaublich gut, dass ich mich schon sehr auf den 07. Oktober freue, denn da wird "The Play" erscheinen und die Geschichte von Hunter erzählen!
Elle Kennedys Off-Campus und Briar U Reihen gefallen mir ja so unglaublich gut, dass ich mich schon sehr auf den 07. Oktober freue, denn da wird "The Play" erscheinen und die Geschichte von Hunter erzählen!
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